The Eternal Dream: Understanding the Illusion of Physical Reality and the Ever-Present Here and Now

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  1. Introduction to the Concept of Heaven and the Dream
    • You are already in “heaven,” a state of higher consciousness or existence.
    • You are dreaming that you are elsewhere, but you never actually leave this higher state of being.
    • This dream creates the illusion of separation between your spiritual self and physical reality.
  2. The Second Law: The Here and Now
    • The second law refers to the idea that everything occurs in the “here and now.”
    • There is no “there,” only this present moment.
    • Any perception of time, space, or separation is part of the dream or illusion.
  3. Frequency of Consciousness and Parallel Realities
    • Experiences in physical reality happen at different frequencies of consciousness.
    • These differences in frequency make events appear separate or “elsewhere” when, in fact, they all happen in the same “here and now.”
    • This shifting in frequency creates the perception of movement, time, and change.
  4. The Illusion of Physical Reality
    • Your spirit or soul has not actually left the spirit world, as it seems to when you incarnate into a body.
    • The experience of living in physical reality, moving through time, and ultimately dying is an illusion created by your consciousness.
    • From your point of view, it feels real, but it’s a projection of your mind.
  5. Understanding the Mechanistic Reality
    • Mechanistically, nothing is actually changing or moving.
    • You are always in the same state, dreaming different frequencies of consciousness that manifest as various experiences.
    • Life, death, and time are part of the dream, but you never truly leave the “heavenly” state of oneness.
  6. The Illusion of Separation and Return
    • The belief that your spirit leaves the spirit world to inhabit a body, and will one day return, is part of the dream experience.
    • You are never separated from the spirit world or the eternal state.
    • The entire experience of physical reality is happening within this eternal now, though it feels distinct and separate.
  7. The Real vs. The Illusory
    • The experiences in physical reality are valid and “real” in the sense that you are experiencing them.
    • However, they are illusory when viewed from the perspective of your eternal, non-physical self.
    • The true nature of existence is a continual “here and now,” beyond the illusions of space, time, and physicality.
  8. Conclusion: Embracing the Eternal Dream
    • Understanding this concept can help alleviate the fear of death, separation, or loss, as they are all aspects of the dream.
    • By recognizing the illusory nature of physical reality, you can begin to see the eternal, unchanging truth of existence.
    • The dream is real in its experience, but it is not an accurate depiction of what is truly happening.

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